The results from the biopsies taken during the colonoscopy showed colitis. Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine. The treatment is a probiotic which should help with the symptoms I have. I will take this until I get to the US and then see how things are going from there. I am also going to wait on treating my cyst until I get to the US. Praise God! He has given the doctors wisdom and now I have some answers. Please continue to pray that I will feel better and that my cyst will not burst as I am trying to pack and say goodbye to those in Palapye. Thanks for all of your support!
We will be lifting you up... thanks for keeping us posted!
I certainly have been praying Crystal! I miss you! I can't believe it has been two years you have been in Africa! I am sorry that you are sick and ask that the Lord will heal you in this time that you are in Africa.
I will be praying. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Dear Crystal, My name is Ruth Schmidt and I am the sister of Debbie Hartman that you met on her mission trip to Africa. Pastor George was preaching a couple of weeks agao and asked us to pray for you. I have and can see how God is glorified through your life.I pray God will give you a divine touch and healing in your body. What a privelege to pray for others.
Love and prayers, Ruth Schmidt
I've been praying for you. I'm excited to see you States side soon!
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