This is my story...a young woman on a adventure of a lifetime. Out to save lives for Jesus Christ in Botswana Africa. These are her encounters and experiences along the way
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Kikuyu Town
I have had an amazing previlage to get to do some ministry work while I am here in Kenya. I am working with street kids in Kikuyu Town and God is just doing some amazing things while I have been here. To the left are two young boys who are looking through the trash for food, they did find a bannana. Several of these boys are addicted to glue but there are some that are very serious about changing their lifestyles. They even admitted to us about stealing money to survive. God just allowed them to open up to us and show us where they stay and their families. They really are united as they stick together taking care of each other. The help each other find a place to sleep even if it is on the street and if one gets food or money they share it with each other.
This Easter several people were baptized. It was a great celebration of Christ's resurrection and the new life that several people committed to through baptism.
I am a missionary with the International Mission Board. I am in Botswana for two years to work with the Operation HIV Team there. I will be educating and teaching HIV precautions as well as True Love Waits. I will also be doing conferences and visiting those who are stuggling and dying of AIDS. Please pray for me while I am on this endeavor.